Miss Dawson, Biology Teacher (CAS & Service Coordinator)
During the Autumn Term, Year 10 have been taking part in an advocacy programme called Giving Forward. Over a number of sessions, the girls discussed social issues, and then in small groups they chose one they felt passionate about and found a local charity that addressed that issue. In the half-term holiday, the groups visited their chosen charity, met the staff and volunteers and spoke to beneficiaries of the charities.
On their return to school, they put together a five-minute presentation, including a video, to show what their charity did and why they deserved to win the £1000 grant on offer.
After the internal heats, seven teams were selected to go through to the final – Bedford Women’s Centre, Carers in Bedfordshire, MIND BLMK, CHUMS, BRASS, Bedfordshire Police Partnership Trust and Clophill Heritage Trust.
The final was held on Monday evening. The judges had a very difficult decision as all of the groups showed great knowledge and passion in advocating for their chosen charity. After much discussion and deliberation, the judges awarded the £1000 grant money to Naimah Chowdhury, Ciara Allen, Anastasia Bullock and Sirisha Arun, for their chosen charity of CHUMS. The group was made up of girls who were less confident about public speaking but their passion for CHUMS and promoting mental health support gave them the confidence to speak out, presenting the information with sensitivity and clarity. The teams representing Bedford Women’s Centre and Carers in Bedfordshire were each awarded £250 for their charities.
While the other groups were disappointed not to have won money for their charity, it is equally as important that they have raised awareness of their charity and social issue in our community.
Thank you to all of the charities who gave their time to support our students and to the students themselves who worked with passion and determination.