Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
Year 4 started the Spring Term so eager to find out what their new Unit of Inquiry would be. Each class developed an understanding of the issues raised by their new Central Idea ‘Rituals, traditions and artefacts, provide a window into the beliefs and values of different cultures’, through shared thinking. This half term they will be developing the skills to work collaboratively to find out about their chosen culture.
This theme is so exciting as it gives the girls opportunities to share their own cultural experiences and consider how lifestyle and culture are connected. They will be developing their communication and design skills as they work in small groups to create their own religious story and puppet show.
The Year 4 teachers have been impressed with how open minded the girls have been about learning how different cultures express their beliefs and values, and look forward to helping the girls consider the best strategies to focus their learning and produce their final pieces.