Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
As part of their Unit of Inquiry, How We Express Ourselves, Year 5 have been immersed in drama activities whilst exploring different genres of performance. After learning about the features of different genres of theatre such as mime or melodrama, the girls were challenged to create short plays of traditional tales performed in these differing styles.
The girls collaborated in small groups by assigning roles, organising simple props and rehearsing their pieces whilst reflecting on the unique elements of their performance style. They were excited to present their work in front of their class, with performances ranging from the tragic retelling of Cinderella to a melodramatic version of Jack and the Beanstalk - the girls all rose to the occasion with fantastic improvised plays.
The girls are now looking looking forward to continuing their inquiry work of performance and arts by welcoming a visit from a professional theatre company to create a Play in a Day as well as poetry performance workshops in the coming weeks.