Mrs Lang (Senior Tutor Years 10 and 11)
On Tuesday 8th September, Year 9 took part in their first PSHE day of the year, where they identified the many factors that contribute to the development of a healthy body image and explored the habits and behaviours that will support their emotional wellbeing and self esteem.
They listened attentively to the words of fashion model Cameron Russell as she explained how image was powerful yet superficial, and that being conventionally attractive did not necessarily result in a more positive body image.
The girls then turned their attention away from physical appearance and attractiveness and began to consider the things their bodies do for them, and the reasons this gives them to be proud and thankful. The afternoon finished with the girls identifying their role models, and explaining why they admired these chosen people, while considering whether or not conventional good looks were an important factor in their admiration for them. The girls will be able to share their presentations with each other in form time next week.