Mrs Jhall (Senior LRC Assistant, Junior School Library)
At the beginning of the term, the Junior School LRC launched the National Poetry Day competition. This year’s theme is Vision, with the strapline See It Like a Poet.
During their class library lessons, the girls have been tasked to write a poem inspired by this year’s theme. There have been some outstanding and varied entries from our creative writers, here are some extracts below:
The Emotional Colcano by Zaina-Hibbah Malik (Year 6)
I look into the window and what do I see,
A beautiful volcano by the sea.
It cries in the moonlight,
Scared and in fright.
It’s eyes well up with oozing, scarlet orange lava,
And shoots it into the black sky,
It crashes down to the ground in a big boom.
It creeps towards me,
Whilst the ground is being fried.
It dries up in the morning,
Black magma
Another Side of Me by Dele Vincent (Year 3)
When I close my eyes, I see another version of me full of opportunities
I imagine things that aren't really possible and every time I look at things I see things differently
I'm closing my eyes still until something comes over me
It's like I've been taken to this place where you can use things in completely different ways
I now open my eyes and look around me
And think this is a lovely world that I can see and I am very lucky that it's got room for me.
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