Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)
The girls in Year 5 have enjoyed finding out about blubber and how it keeps Arctic animals warm in icy waters. After wrapping their hands in their own plastic bags, the girls then had to insert their hands into two other bags – one which was smothered in lard (blubber!) and the other without a covering. The girls quickly realised the impact blubber made in keeping their hands warm and, therefore, how effective blubber is!
As part of their scientific inquiry into animal adaptations, the girls have been investigating how and why animals adapt. The experiment launched their next challenge, which is to design their own experiment to demonstrate animal adaptation to others in the class. The Year 5 teachers are intrigued as to what creative and exciting experiments will be designed by the girls!
Grace said: “I found it very interesting that the blubber made my hand feel warm compared to my other hand that felt much chillier in the icy water.”
Jemima said: “I wonder how much blubber animals have in other conditions?.”
Saroop said: “Now I understand why arctic animals can stay in the icy conditions without feeling the cold.”
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