Miss Coote (Year 3 Teacher)
Pictured: Ottilia and Bea (Year 3)
Last week, the Form Heads and Student Voice Reps were excited to launch their own Junior School podcast.
Episode 1 introduced the representatives from Years 3 and 4 and Episode 2 will be introducing the girls in Year 5 and 6. Episodes will be released weekly via Google Drive for the girls to access when they have time. As a team, we hope that the podcast will not only allow us to gain insight into the learning of different classes and year groups across the school, but that it will also give us the opportunity to explore the Junior School pupils’ contributions to their community.
Ottilia and Bea from 3C think children in the Junior School will enjoy the new podcast, they said: “It helps you learn about what everyone else is up to, especially when you can’t see them in person.’ Stay tuned for Episode 3!”
Follow live updates @BGS_JuniorSch here.