Mrs Copp (Deputy Head of Junior School)
This week, Year 6 have been developing their skills in writing balanced arguments based upon a societal issue that has been of interest to them.
Following some study on the social issue of graffiti, the girls debated the argument, Is Graffiti Art or Vandalism? From their research, they concluded that graffiti can be mini-works of art, which can carry important social and political messages. However, they also discovered that all graffiti is illegal by law, which sometimes can be rude or contain offensive material.
Throughout the task, the girls have taken the time to develop their skills in research, note taking, developing well-reasoned arguments, and then structuring these into an essay to offer a clear and unbiased debate. Their awareness of societal issues and discussion around these have been further stimulated by wider school discussion about Black History Month, as many students take part in the House poster competition.
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