Following the request for nominations for role of Bedford Girls’ School Parent Elected Governor (PEG), we are pleased to announce that we have three candidate nominations and are now required to hold a ballot.
The successful candidate becomes a Governor of the School, responsible to the Trustees for its conduct and maintenance in accordance with the School’s Articles of Government and the Terms of Reference of the School Committee.
The post will commence in the Autumn Term 2021 and the term of office is three years. The Parent Elected Governor will, like all Governors, be expected to ensure good governance of the School with support for and from the Senior Leadership Team. They will also be responsible for representing the views of parents to the School Committee and assisting in communication from the School Committee to parents. They will, however, be acting as a representative, not a delegate, of the parents and must always take decisions in what they regard as the overall best interests of the School.
Parents/Guardians with a child attending Bedford Girls’ School, and who have supplied the School with a contact email address, are entitled to vote in the online ballot. You may vote only once regardless of the number of children attending the School. Only one candidate maybe selected. You can find each of the candidates’ personal statements and a 1 minute video on the PEG section of the website HERE.
The ballot commences Thursday 22nd April 2021 and closes 12 noon on 6th May 2021.
Please click to access the ballot form HERE.
The successful candidate will be the one who receives the majority of votes cast. In the event of a tie, Chair of Bedford Girls’ School Committee will have the casting vote.
The announcement of the newly-appointed BGS Parent Elected Governor will be made on Friday 7th May 2021.