Interactive Mapping
Junior School

Mrs Woodhouse (Year 6 Teacher, English Coordinator)

This term the Year 6 girls have been researching different types of governments from around the globe as part of their Unit of Inquiry into, Government systems and decisions can promote or deny equal opportunities and social justice.

Using the interactive thinglink 360 mapping app, the girls explored and clicked on different icons to find out more about the different government systems. They discovered what life was like in Ancient Greece under an Aristocracy, what a Theocracy and how the Vatican functions, what the absence of a government is called and many other government types. They also added their own information points to the map for others to see. You can see example of the interactive app in action HERE.

In 6W, the girls have also been using thinglink make an interactive display based on their novel, The Giver. They will add questions, answers, videos, artwork and written work to it as they delve deeper into the novel. See an example HERE

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