Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
This term Year 4 have embarked on a fascinating journey into the transdisciplinary theme, How We Organise Ourselves. Our focus, Signs and Symbols, with both a local and global perspective, began with the moving and inspiring story of Harriet Tubman and the Underground Railroad. Each class took time to listen to the story of how Harriet, a Conductor in the early 1800s, played a crucial role in helping fellow slaves escape to freedom, using a secret system of symbols displayed on hand sewn quilts.
This story provoked thoughtful discussions and shared thinking about how systems of signs and symbols have enabled communication in many areas of day to day life. From road signs to emojis, it became clear that we are surrounded by a multitude of systems of communication that can help keep us safe and informed. Through the key concepts of Causation, Connection and Perspective, the girls will consider the interconnectedness of human made systems, and the importance of these systems in everyday life.