Eid al Fitr
Junior School Community

Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)

The Junior School has been finding out all about the Islamic festival of Eid al Fitr (Festival of Breaking the Fast), which has been taking place this week. In Year 6, we have a number of girls who have been fasting for periods during Ramadan. They have been looking forward to Eid with much anticipation!  We have enjoyed listening to them tell us all about the exciting things they are doing with their families to celebrate.

In their Year 6 assembly this week, students learned all about Mehndi patterns, which are often painted on hands and feet during the festival of Eid. Many of the designs hold special significance.  For example: flowers are a symbol of grace, purity and heart and vines symbolise strength and longevity.  We all had a go at designing our own mehndi patterns and have put them together to make a crescent moon.

The crescent moon is very important as Muslims look for the first sign of the crescent moon to tell them that Ramadan is over, and the celebration of Eid al Fitr can begin.  We hope you enjoy our display.

The Junior School would like to wish the whole school community Eid Mubarak!

View Year 6’s beautiful display of henna decorated hands in a moon crescent HERE.

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Eid al Fitr