Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
On Monday, Year 6 were very excited to launch their Exhibition project. The Exhibition is the culmination of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) in the Junior School and is a celebration of the learning that has taken place. The purpose of the PYP exhibition is to give students the opportunity to work collaboratively on a project, inquire into the wider world and take their own individual or group action as a result of their inquiry. Our launch gave girls the opportunity to find out all about the Exhibition and what they can expect over the next few weeks.
The Central Idea for our Exhibition is Global citizens take action for the future of our planet. Students will be working in small groups to inquire and find out about a global issue. They will look at the causes of the issue and what can be done to help solve the issue or improve the lives of people impacted by the issue.
Since the launch we have been busy brainstorming global issues to come up with ideas of what we might like the focus of our group exhibition entries to be. Once we decided on an issue, groups had to decide on three separate lines of inquiry – three questions or ideas that we are going to focus on. In addition to this, we thought about what Key Concepts and Approaches to Learning (learning skills) we were going to focus on.
Our Exhibition will be taking place at the end of June. We will keep you updated each week on the progress we are making!