Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
It’s been a busy week in Year 6, the girls now know which small groups they will be working in for the Year 6 Exhibition, which is the culmination of the Primary Years Programme (PYP) in the Junior School. Having researched the wide variety of global issues currently facing society, each group has decided on what they would like to focus on. The range of issues we are researching is huge including over-fishing, gender equality, deforestation, throw away fashion, access to education for girls, LGBTQ+ rights, plastic pollution and racial equality.
Once the girls have agreed on the global issue they want to research and explore, they will follow three Lines of Inquiry; What is it? Why does it happen? What are my responsibilities? This gives focus to the research and helps to keep the girls on track. For example, one group is investigating poaching and the illegal trade of animals. This group has come up with the following Lines of Enquiry:
- What is poaching and how does it impact the environment?
- Why do people poach animals around the world?
- What action could we take to reduce poaching worldwide
The girls have really thought deeply about what we mean by ‘Inquiry’. They decided that Inquiry means lots of different things including being inquisitive, thinking, delving deeper into a subject, asking questions, problem solving, exploration and having fun! You can see more of their ideas in their word cloud here. They are hoping to do all of these things over the next few weeks…