Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
In their Science lessons this term, Year 4 have been considering the question, Can animals live in any place or time? This has led to thinking and researching a chosen animal, to consider how it has adapted to living in a particular habitat.
During discussions, the girls have linked what they have discovered about one particular animal, to ‘Big Picture Thinking’ in which they begin to generalise about the survival of different species in the natural world-including humans!
To provide a fun and engaging way of thinking about animals and their particular adaptations, 4S ventured outside, armed only with wooden pegs, which were to simulate a bird’s beak. They were asked to build a nest. Each pair worked hard, but some realised they might be able to ‘borrow’ from their neighbour’s nests, especially if it was left unprotected. Others thought carefully about where to position their nest to ensure it was less vulnerable. After lots of fun, and not a little frustration, the girls thought about how birds have adapted to living in different habitats, and how changes in their environment impact on each animal’s chances of surviving.