Data analysis and Getting Creative!
Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
With only two weeks to go until our Exhibition, Year 6 have been really busy. We are now really delving deeper into the research we are carrying out to find the answers to our questions. Competitions and clothing collections are up and running and the whole Junior School is buzzing with talk about the Exhibition.
In a bid to fully understand the global issues we are investigating, we have had to look the numbers. As with every issue, the numbers tell a story and this is what we have been looking into this week. Being able to analyse and interpret statistical data in the form of charts and graphs is an important skill. Maths lessons have been dedicated to statistics – reading, interpreting and drawing line graphs and pie charts. We have then applied these skills to our Exhibition work, finding data relevant to our global issue. By analysing this data, we can gain a deeper understanding of the issue and it’s causes. Data also allows us to support our thoughts and ideas with quantifiable evidence – rather than saying ‘lots of rainforests have been chopped down’ we can say exactly how many and the impact it has had. All the groups are going to include data analysis and statistics in their final Exhibition presentations
In addition to the Maths element, classes have been spending time getting creative. Another important element of the Exhibition is engaging the visitor’s interest by having an exciting visual element. Groups have been busy painting, building, drawing and making models out of clay and Modroc. This has been a fantastic opportunity for girls to use all the skills they have learned in art lessons throughout their time at BGS Junior School. Many of the groups have chosen to incorporate their favourite elements of art lessons from previous years but on a grander scale. We are all really excited to see the finished pieces!
Next week is our final full week before the Exhibition so we will be busy…