Miss Hooker (PE Teacher)
On Monday afternoon, it was an afternoon of competition, races, team work and most importantly fun! There was a vision of brightly coloured House t-shirts with Years 3 and 4 super excited to compete in the first sports afternoon of 2021.
Everyone competed in a throw (rounders ball or turbo javelin), jump (long jump or speed bounce), the obstacle race or the egg and spoon, a 60m sprint and the relay. The vast majority also volunteered to run the 300m.
The effort from everyone impressive, the quality was high, the girls wore their stickers with pride and by the time we got to the presentations, they were all ready for the ice lollies kindly provided by The Association.
It has been fantastic to see the Junior School girls really embracing this adapted sports day format, wearing their colourful House t-shirts whilst cheering for their peers. We have seen some brilliant performances from all of the girls, who have really pushed themselves to try to get the best result they can. A huge thank you to our wonderful Sixth Form students and staff for organising and running a fantastic afternoon of activities. Next week it will be the turn of Years 5 and 6…
View photos HERE.
Year 3 - 1st place Austen, 2nd place Chanel and 3rd place Parks.
Year 4 - 1st place Nightingale, 2nd place Austen and 3rd Hepburn.
Overall winners - Austen.