Student Reflections
Junior School

Miss Coote (Year 3 Teacher)

For their final task as Form Head and Student Voice Representatives, the girls in Years 5 and 6 were asked to reflect on an area of their learning from this year. From English to Home Learning to STEM week - there was a lot to cover!

Jasmine, 5B: “This year in English, we wrote myths, journals, letters and much more. One of my favourite things was when we looked at some greek myths, like Theseus and the Minotuar. Then, we planned out our heroes/heroines, and monsters, and where the story would be set. After that we actually wrote the story on a google docs in paragraphs. We also wrote eco letters, where we looked at environmental problems, e.g. too much plastic in the school lunches, not enough recycling bins, etc. After watching a Bear Grylls documentary, we wrote it down as a diary/journal.”

Zaina-Hibbah, 6I: “In Year 6 Mathematics, I have taken a big step from being just a girl who only knew about short multiplication and division and addition and subtraction, to algebraic expressions, percentages, averages and much more. As a class, to understand more with these new concepts we had learnt, we had made replicates of it in real life. It truly has been an exciting year of Maths!”

Grace, 5T: “Home learning has been a really big part of 2020 and 2021. I think if It weren’t for all the teachers we would have missed out on a lot of educational and fun experiences. During home learning we were able to join google meets for many different lessons, activities and assemblies and also worked in breakout rooms with others so we could work together and incorporate our ideas with each other.”

Holly, 6I: “On Monday the 5th of July and Tuesday the 6th of July, Year 6 had a drama workshop! Some amazing drama teachers from the Senior School came over to the Junior School to talk to us about drama and the main parts of performing. We had so much fun and we even got to perform a little play with all the features we looked into for example: costumes, sound/lighting, active work and choral work too.”

Meira, 5W: “One of my classes favourite parts of this year was STEM week. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. We had lots of online class meetings with different inspirational women. Then we were set a challenge to present a scientific story in any way that we liked, e.g an iMovie or a puppet show.” Flavia added: “I enjoyed listening to other people's stories and presenting my own scientific findings in a creative way.”

Francesca, 5T: “On Tuesday 29th June, Year 5 and 6 enjoyed a silent disco in a marquee on the Junior School Lawn. We listened to lots of our favourite music wearing headphones and danced with our friends and teachers. It was a lot of fun dancing and singing, in fact a great way to spend our morning before Sports day in the afternoon. Thanks to Mrs Howe for organising this event, the whole of Year 5 and 6 loved it!”

Sienna, 6BC: “Earlier in the year, we had a team building afternoon! The afternoon was filled with games and small competitions that included teamwork. In Y6 we worked on a game that involved numbers on the floor (inside a 2D square of cones) and we had to each step on them in order to complete the challenge, another rule was that there was only 1 person allowed in the box at a time. This challenge involved strategy and speed, but also needed teamwork! The second challenge Year 6 did was a wooden crate with holes, barriers and you had a golf ball to try and get around without the ball falling through the holes. This challenge, my team felt was a lot harder than the last one as this one was more about accuracy than speed. For this challenge, we still needed to use strategy and a lot of teamwork. To make this challenge work everyone would need to lean the crate one way to make the ball go that way. Overall the afternoon was super fun, but patience and strategy were needed!”

Molly, 6W: “One thing that has been really great about this year is the Year 6 Exhibition. It was really fun and engaging to have the parents come and look at our exhibition and it was also great to see other groups' exhibitions. The whole project was really challenging and it pushed our limits of organisation, collaboration and communication. I loved that there were lots of different things to do such as making slides and creating things to give to the class.    You could also never get bored. I learnt more about how I could do things in different ways and also more about independence in my learning.”

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