Mrs Axford (Assistant Head)
Well it may have been an uncertain and challenging year, but the House System has been a constant, offering all sorts of challenges and competitions. These have helped to raise the spirits through lockdown and given numerous opportunities for everyone to have some fun whilst we have been back in school together. Please do take the opportunity to have a look at the photos of the House Competitions this summer because they really capture the laughter and joy they provided for both students and staff enjoying all things ‘House at BGS!’
There were 59 different House competitions throughout the year. Through the Winter months, House Talent, our spontaneous Snow Sculpture competition, the BGS Bake Off, the BGS Winter Olympics and Performing Arts Afternoon provided some of the highlights but as a whole they kept the community connected through lockdowns and many periods of blended learning.
The focus this Summer Term has been on getting outside and enjoying some of the many sporting competitions, with House Rounders, House Rowing, House Tennis, Sports Days, Distance Swims, along-side some creative competitions including the Eid Card Design, the Biology photography competition and Designing a South Asian Garment Competition.
Once all the points had been added up from September 2020 through to July 2021, the final points and placings can be seen below, with Franklin claiming the House Cup for 2020-21
Well done to all of those who have taken part in House competition this year and I hope all of you enjoyed the photographic celebration of your efforts this term in the final House Assembly.
You can view the various House photos on our Flickr gallery HERE.
Final House totals and 2020-2021 House Winner:
1st – Franklin - 13,842
2nd – Hepburn - 13,817
3rd – Parks - 13,022
4th – Austen - 12,785
5th – Chanel - 12,605
6th – Nightingale - 12,327