Mr Mason-McLeod (Head of Hockey)
It has been amazing to return to the hockey pitch this term and starting to play competitive fixtures again. The U12A and Bs and U13A and Bs have been to Bedford Modern School (BMS) to play in their first 7-a-side tournament for two years.
The Year 6s went to the Laxton School hockey tournament and had a fantastic time developing their hockey and improved with each match. We have had a block fixture against King’s High Warwick with fixtures for the players from 1st team down to U12D.
The 1st team have had two cup matches with an impressive 9-0 win against Wycombe High and an unfortunate 3-1 loss against a very good Haileybury side, but the 1st team played extremely well.
This Saturday we have friendly fixtures against BMS with 17 teams playing, from 1st team to U12E. Next Wednesday we have the Year 6s off to King’s Ely to play A to D fixtures and next Saturday fixtures against Queenwood.
We would love to see more students of all abilities come to lunch time and after school hockey practices. Please check the school website for up and coming fixtures here.