Mrs Everest (Senior Science Technician)
There have been some fun and ‘spooktacular’ experiments in the Chemical Curiosities Club this term.
So far this term the students have made worms by pouring a seaweed-based substance into another solution. With a steady hand and great pouring skills long (polymer) worms can be made. The students did a brilliant job and a worm of over 6m in length was made - it was the longest worm we have ever seen!
As we are approaching Halloween, the theme this week was ‘Puking Pumpkins’. The students made a chemical reaction inside a carved pumpkin with bicarbonate of soda and vinegar and the resultant foam bubbles out of the mouth, nose and eyes. Dr Clewlow (Chemistry Teacher) couldn’t resist having a go herself. Using a different chemical reaction, Dr Clewlow’s pumpkin made so much foam it almost filled the tray! It must have been the witch’s hat and magic spell she used!
Next time is Bonfire night when we will be exploring the chemistry of fireworks.