Holly Returns to Competition
Senior School Sport

Ski sensation, Holly Tutt (Year 10), was delighted to return to competition abroad after two winter seasons of restrictions due to the pandemic. The alpine skier travelled to Italy to compete in the Anglo Scottish Championships 2022 (10th-12th January), which took place in Pila Valle d'Aosta ski resort.

The GB skier raced her way to a silver medal in U16 Slalom (1st place in year of birth) and a claimed a bronze medal in the U16 Giant Slalom (1st place in year of birth). Holly continued her form in the Super-G races, placing 5th twice (3rd place in year of birth). After very little training since February 2020, Holly did exceptionally well and competed against skiers who train full time in the French Alps and were able to train the whole of last winter season.

An inspirational role model for aspiring skiers, Holly was selected for the U16 England Alpine Squad during the summer term last year and is also Team Captain of the BGS ski team.

Miss Higginson (Head of Year 9, PE Teacher) who is the Team Manager of the BGS Ski Team said: “We are delighted that Holly could return to the slopes to train and compete after a disappointing year of interruptions. We are excited to watch her journey as she returns to competing abroad this season. We wish her all the best for her training in the Aosta Valley and we will be following her progressions. Holly always shows determination, modesty and drive in everything she does; and also balances her studies impressively. A fantastic role model to all at BGS.”

Holly is now part of the British Ski Academy (BSA), which is based in the Aosta Valley, Italy. The programme provides specialist training to aspiring young ski racers through residential camps, which is supported by a pastoral team. She will be competing in Super G in Santa Caterina, Italy 16-17th February, followed by a full week of racing in the English Alpine Championships 19-25th February in Bormio, Italy.

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Holly Returns to Competition