Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)
As a provocation to our Central Idea Nature is a cultural stimulus for creativity and enjoyment Chris Holland, a storyteller and nature connection facilitator, delivered a workshop to Year 3 last Friday.
We spent a morning listening to stories from other cultures, giving the girls a global outlook on creation myths and how things came to be. They were able to explore these stories in small groups, acting out and freeze framing their ideas, as well as retelling their favourite parts.
In the afternoon we were introduced to ‘God’s Eyes’. Traditionally made to protect the Huichols, the girls used small twigs from the garden and yarn to spin their own colourful eyes.
Each class had the opportunity to work with Chris to create a clay animal using flora and fauna to add detail and then to create a land art piece that their animals could be part of in the retelling of one of their favourite stories of the day. The excitement of learning outside, and in such an immersive way, was palpable.
This week, we have gone on to look at artists who are inspired by nature in their works and continue to investigate stories from other cultures that, commonly, are inspired by nature. It is so important for the girls to be part of these experiential days, as it enables the foundations to build solid learning connections.
View photos here.