Creative Art Workshop    
Junior School

Miss Forster (Year 5 Teacher)

On Monday, Year 5 started their week creatively with the artist Philippa McDonald from Creative Days. As part of their Unit of Inquiry Sharing the Planet, the girls were repurposing junk mail and well sought out articles on climate issues that they had collected themselves. Everyone put a huge amount of effort into making their stars which were quite complex to make.

Millie (5W) said: “It was really relaxing and fun to make the flowers. I have never made origami before and it was lovely to see how it all came together.”

Simone (5W) said: “Saving the environment is really important and reusing materials is even better. The stars we made were very beautiful and colourful from the magazines that we used – Sasha, 5VF. “It was a creative way to show our learning.”

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