We are delighted to invite you to The Association 2022 Family Quiz on Saturday 5th March at 6pm in the Senior School Dining Hall.
This hugely popular inter-house event is returning for another competitive year with questions aimed at a variety of levels, so a combination of young and old heads on your team will definitely be an advantage.
Catering-wise, it’s bring your own, so please come armed with a picnic and everything you’ll need to consume it (plates, glasses etc.). As always, there will be a prize awarded to the best-dressed table, this may or may not involve costumes but it definitely involves all aspects of picnicking and table decorating! Doors open at 5.30pm to dress your table.
House points will be awarded to all members of the winning quiz team, so please feel free to enter mixed house teams. To book a space for your team, please complete the following form here by Monday 28th February. Entry fee is £20 per team with a maximum of 10 players; please also add your team name as reference for the payment.
Places are limited so please book early. May the best team win!
For any questions please don't hesitate to contact us at [email protected].