Miss Rogers (LRC Manager) and Mrs Graves (Head of English)
This year, we will be celebrating the 25th anniversary of World Book Day – with the message for all children: ‘you are a reader‘!
In addition to our wonderful dress-up celebrations, competitions and classroom activities, the Senior School English department and Junior School library will be collecting donations of good quality books. These will be presented to BRASS - Refugee and Asylum Seeker Support, and other local charity groups who are providing deprived communities with access to books.
We welcome any donations of books that students would like to receive themselves! The books should be in good condition and suitable for re-homing. Donation boxes will be located in the Junior School Library and the Senior School LRC from Monday 28th February - Friday 4th March.
Thank you for your continued support. Our hope is that World Book Day provides a wonderful opportunity to celebrate reading and a lifelong love of books.