Mrs Horton (Drama Teacher)
Last Sunday, our Year 6 students started work on their summer drama production: a completely original devised piece created by the students themselves - no mean feat when this means there is no script, no pre-written characters and no existing plot. The students have thrown themselves into this challenge! Already they have made their own masks from scratch using old newspaper, scraps of cleaning cloth and glue. These are now waiting for each mask’s owner to paint it and really bring it to life as the character of their choice.
The students have also been busy creating some spectacular scenes for the performance including going into outer space, a shoot-out in a wild west saloon and a miserable old dinner lady reinventing herself as a pop star!
We are already having so much fun developing this play and we are only a week into rehearsals so watch this space…
Performances will be on Thursday 26th and Friday 27th May.