Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
On Monday, Year 6 took part in a joint Activity Day with Year 6 from Bedford School. The students spent half the day at BGS and half the day at Bedford School taking part in a range of activities. The theme for this term was Safer Internet Day and Communication skills.
Whilst at BGS, students took part in a variety of activities focusing on staying safe online including a drama workshop, where small groups of students from both schools had to act out solutions to common scenarios that might happen when online. It was often the case that more than one solution was possible so a great discussion was had on the benefits of each solution.
Ms Davies, the BGS E-Safety Coordinator and Digital Content Creator led a fun filled session on being a ‘bystander’ – what should you do if you see something happen online that you don’t like but doesn’t directly impact on you – for example you see a nasty comment in a chat group you belong to? What help can you give? What action should you take? The session ended with students adding to a graffiti wall of advice for online users on how to stay safe.
Bedford School focused on communicating in person, rather than online. Here we took part in various activities that really put our communication skills to the test. How well could we listen to instructions? How well could we work as a team to reach our final goal? How good are our questioning skills?
The day was a great success all round, everyone enjoyed getting to know our Year 6 friends at Bedford School and look forward to the next opportunity to work with them.