Mrs Palmer (Head of Mathematics)
On Friday 6th May, our Upper Sixth students attended their final Mathematics lecture at Bedford School. The lecture How Cubic Equations Revolutionised Mathematics was delivered by Bedford School Sixth Former, Charlie Dowrick.
Charlie was confident and resilient as he articulately presented extremely complex mathematics to his peers and teachers. He did a fantastic job and really inspired everyone in the audience.
The Pythagorean Society lectures have been a great opportunity for our students to explore mathematics beyond the scope of the curriculum. It has helped them to develop their intellectual confidence and think about the bigger picture of Mathematics in the world around them. For many of our girls it has sparked a greater passion for the subject and I am confident that it will shape the pathways they go on to take later in life.
In our Upper Sixth absence, our Lower Sixth mathematicians will be attending the very last lecture of the year today. Nat Lord (Lower Sixth), a Bedford School Further Mathematician, is delivering a lecture titled How We See Maths in Nature. It is set to be another great evening and we are all very much looking forward to it.