As part of our wonderful Heritage Week celebrations ,we asked students to make predictions for the next ten years and pop them in our specially commissioned Time Capsules beautifully designed by Mrs Smith (Art and Textile Teacher).
Mrs Smith reflects on her creative journey, and the construction of the Time Capsule:
“Having come from a sculptural background, gaining a BA Hons in Fine Art (sculpture) from Loughborough University, I have always enjoyed working with clay; although my specialism at university was stone carving and bronze making through the lost wax process. My own work reflected on patterns in nature and repetition.
“I joined Dame Alice Harpur School in September 2005, having taught in a state school previously. It was a real change from what I had been used to it was a breath of fresh air. When the merger happened, there was a real sense of change but the joining of two successful art departments enabled us to build on already strong foundations and continue to thrive and expand and I am extremely proud of the students that have come and gone through our doors.
“The inspiration for the Time Capsules came from looking at traditional hand built ceramic pieces constructed using the coiling method, my preferred approach for building in clay. The pattern and the stoppers’ shape were inspired by the Squeagle motif used within Bedford Girls’ School’s logo. For the glaze, rather than using the school colours I decided to opt for an earthier feel using a range of oxides and clear glaze. I am honoured that these pieces will remain in the school, hopefully long after I depart (which isn’t any time soon!).”
During Heritage Week, students and staff recorded their predictions for the next 10 years and placed them into the Time Capsule. Here are some of the 10 year predictions:
‘All lessons will be taught in VR’ - Elisa, Year 7
‘Austen will finally win the House Cup’ - Ava, Year 8
‘Although women's rights have changed so much, I am excited to see what the future holds for an all-female school’ - Marcie, Year 8
‘The school will become Carbon Neutral’ - Gracie, Year 9
‘The school will still be an amazing place’ - Charlotte, Year 11
We shall have to reopen the Time Capsule again in 2032 to see if any predictions came true!
View photos of the Time Capsule making process here.