Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
The first two weeks of term have been super busy and active for Year 4. We began with a shared provocation of slides for our Unit of Inquiry - Who We Are, with the three classes mixing together to work and think collaboratively. Using mind maps, the girls tried to use Big Picture thinking to make links between the images shown on the slides. It was wonderful to see them develop their listening skills, and share their ideas with confidence.
The learning journey then became even more active on Monday, as we were visited by A-Life, an organisation specialising in providing interactive activities relating to health and well-being. Mixing the girls again, they explored the resources and tasks, testing their knowledge of food groups, hygiene, digestion and much more.
After a quick break the girls returned to be faced with a circuit of fun exercises to get their hearts pumping and tune in again to the different aspects of health and fitness. The boxing gloves and mini trampettes proved the most popular, with some girls showing excellent skill and sharing their expertise with their group. Following these activities, the girls will now consider the different aspects of health and well-being through the concept of Form, and explore how the choices we make affect our health.
View photos here.