The sun shone and the mood was of eager anticipation, as the long-awaited Dame Alice Harpur School reunion for all eras took place on Saturday 17th September following an enforced break of three years.
It was wonderful to see lots of familiar faces, including former teachers and Head Girls, and our visitors had a lovely time touring around the Senior School and seeing the new Sixth Form area. Our BGS guides did a great job and there was much comparing of school day notes!
A delicious afternoon tea was served in the Assembly Hall, as our alumnae enjoyed catching up on each other’s news. It was also the first time Mrs Gibson (Headmistress) was able to warmly welcome this group into school and to get to know this part of our school community.
We had a great turnout, spanning an incredible 66 years, and we look forward to hosting this annual event again on 16th September 2023.
View photos from the reunion here.