A Riskmas Carol
Junior School

By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)

On Friday 2nd December, the girls in Years 3 and 4 were buzzing as they gathered in the Randle Hall ready to walk to Bedford Prep School (BPS) to watch the highly anticipated Christmas pantomime, A Riskmas Carol.

Despite walking through town, the girls were full of energy, excitement and Christmas spirit as they joined the boys in the Bedford Prep School Hall. After some very quick tips regarding Panto etiquette, the show began. It wasn’t long before all the children were joining in together, shouting, “It’s behind you”, as the cast took their enthusiastic audience on a journey through time and some classic children’s stories.

Throughout all of the fun, the theme of the show was to emphasise how to keep safe, and never to trust a stranger. At the end of the show the girls and boys were treated to hot chocolate and biscuits courtesy of the BPS PTA, before walking back to school full of happy memories.

Ajooni Rai (4C) said: “I really liked how we got to shout a lot!”

Harriett Woolley (4S) said: “I admired the actor’s expressions and storytelling. It really was a fabulous afternoon, and our amazing parent helpers made the travelling to and from schools such a breeze, thank you!”

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A Riskmas Carol