Stories of Migration
Junior School

By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)

This half term, Year 6 have been learning about the reasons people migrate. We have spent time inquiring into the different reasons people migrate, where people migrate from and to, the impact of migration and the difficulties faced by migrants. At the beginning of our Unit of Inquiry, many of us had only heard about migrants from the news. However, we have since discovered that human migration involves so much more than this.  In fact, we found out that many of our family members have migrated! We were interested to find out more about their stories. 

On Friday 2nd December, we held an event in the Randle Hall where we invited friends and family members of our Year 6 students to come into school and share their stories first hand.  We heard from parents and friends who have migrated from Turkey, India (via the United States), South Africa, Denmark (via the United States and Switzerland) and Northern Ireland. Some of our visitors had migrated multiple times.  From the challenges and opportunities they face, to the push/pull factors that led them to undertake the journey our Year 6 girls were enthralled.  It was surprising how many similarities there were in each story, despite moving from such different countries.  Common difficulties included learning new languages, getting to know people and getting used to the British weather! 

As a result of the event, our understanding of the diversity in our community and their perspectives of migration is far deeper. We would like to thank our speakers for taking their time to share their stories first hand with us.

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Stories of Migration