Dress as your Hero!
Junior School

By Mrs Thomas (Year 3 Teacher)

On Monday Year 3 gathered together to share and celebrate our learning for this half term’s Unit of Inquiry. We listened to presentations about each child’s chosen significant individual from a plethora of eras, cultures and backgrounds from scientists to artists, from conservationists to sporting stars to be able to answer how ‘understanding the past has an impact on the present’.

Feeling excited, pupils arrived in school this morning dressed as their chosen person in readiness to talk about how their person’s actions, achievements and ideas impacted the world around them, helping and inspiring future generations of females. They also considered how their individual is remembered, or should be remembered and for what reasons.

The presentations have been a culmination of a very busy term, showing lots of hard work and ideas whilst developing skills.  We have been impressed by our students developing inquiry skills, as questions have been posed and answered, as well as their time management skills and self-motivation skills. The girls planned out a timetable to ensure they covered each item on the success criteria and worked independently to cross the questions off their lists. We were also thrilled to be able to invite classes from around the Junior School who were able to listen carefully and ask questions to extend and deepen the knowledge and understanding of our Year 3’s.

Well done, Year 3! What a super way to end an extremely busy half term!

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Dress as your Hero!