By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
On Wednesday 15th March, the day had finally arrived for our very excited Year 4 girls to make the short trip to Grafham Waters Activity Centre for their 3-day residential.
This trip is always highly anticipated, and never fails to provide lots of opportunities for the girls to explore new friendships, and tackle a variety of physical challenges together. After lots of fun and games making their beds, the girls embarked on their first activities. The climbing wall showed many were completely fearless, whilst others with encouragement from their peers, managed to push themselves out of their comfort zones. Other activities included the infamous Grafham Challenge, archery and canoeing. After dinner, the instructors set each group some head scratching puzzles to solve, with communication, determination and teamwork needed to solve each problem. The following days continued to show how intrepid, resilient and reflective our girls are, and for all of the staff involved, a real joy to spend this exciting time with.
Aarna (4B) said: “I had never done rock climbing and the instructor really helped me. I felt so proud of myself.”
Nadia “4B) recalled: “Canoeing was really nice and relaxing, I enjoyed just being on the water. The people on my boat were singing together and having a lovely time.”
Each year we reflect on this residential trip and appreciate all the achievements made, from managing their own belongings, working with new people and sleeping without their families, to developing new skills in a variety of outdoor sports. Well done Year 4, you were amazing!
View photos from the trip here.