By Mrs Inkson (Head of Year 6)
This term, our Year 6 cohort are learning all about government systems from around the world and how decisions made by the government can impact the lives of people in those countries.
The girls have been specifically investigating the British Government – how it is structured, who works there and how decisions are made. To gain a greater understanding of how our government works, we invited into school the local Member of Parliament for Bedford – Mohammad Yasin.
The girls were very excited about his visit and had prepared so many questions about being an MP such as… What do you do on a typical day? How often do you have to go to the House of Parliament? What is your favourite part of your job? Why did you want to become an MP? What issues for people in Bedford have you helped with? How do you help make laws? Have you met the King?
It was really interesting to hear how MPs split their time between working in the Houses of Parliament from Mondays – Thursdays and then work in their constituencies on Fridays. The girls were surprised at how late the debates and votes can go in Parliament, sometimes they stay up to 1am! They also learned all about how MPs are elected and how most MPs belong to a political party.
With Local Mayoral and Borough Council taking place this week, it has been really interesting seeing the propaganda from different parties come through our door and seeing the posters up around the streets. The girls now have a much better understanding of what the election is and how it works now!