By Miss Kidd (Senior LRC Assistant)
In celebration of Harry Potter Day on Tuesday 2nd of May, the Junior School LRC have been making magic through lots of different activities and competitions! As it is coming up to the 25th anniversary of the first book being released, we wanted to create a magical world of our own.
This week’s competition has been to create an original potion, made up of ingredients you can find at home and around the garden. Alongside these popping potions, the students have designed ‘Must Know’ pages, telling us all about the ingredients in their potions and what they actually do!
After much deliberation, the winner was Sakinah Raza (3T) and the runner-up was Florence Lionetti (4C).
In the Library Club sessions, we have been creating our very own marauders maps, but instead of the map being of Hogwarts, it is of BGS! The students used rice to pour onto their paper, using this as the guide of the map outline! It has been a lot of fun creating different spells, rooms and mythical creatures to have in the school map!