By Mrs Schofield (Head of Year 4)
The Junior School embraced creativity last week as the Diversity and Inclusion Group presented them with a challenge: to design a Henna handprint pattern in celebration of Diwali, which was celebrated around the world on Sunday 12th November.
Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a significant festival in the Hindu calendar. It symbolises the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Families come together, light lamps (diyas), exchange gifts, and create beautiful decorations to mark this joyous occasion.
The group was thoroughly impressed with every entry, witnessing a wonderful blend of traditional and contemporary designs. Congratulations to Hania (6C) for her outstanding winning design. This was followed by fantastic designs by Arya (3M) in second place and Tara (4A) in third place. Well done to all participants!