The Taste of Inequality
Junior School

By Miss Alarcon (Year 4 Teacher)

Year 4 experienced the bitterness of inequality during the provocation for the Unit of Inquiry, Sharing the Planet, and came to understand how the unfair distribution of resources around the world could result in many experiencing injustice and deprivation.

The girls were randomly put in five different groups and were told to create a poster about ‘Peace’. To their surprise, each group was given a different amount of resources. Those representing the ‘rich’ were given an abundant amount of materials while those representing the ‘poor’ were given very little. Throughout the process, the ‘rich’ were given extra privileges while the ‘poor’ were left to feel deprived and had to clean-up for themselves and the ‘rich’.

The experience was an eye-opening one that created lots of meaningful discussions about equality, fairness and justice. Many were shocked to realise how bitter life could be for the ‘poor’ or ‘grassroots’ and were determined to grow up to make a difference in the society.

Some were particularly inspired by the experience and continued with the meaningful discussions at home. The following is an email from a parent to congratulate us on the successful lesson:

Good morning Mrs Alarcon,

Just wanted to say that ‘name’ came home on Monday and didn’t stop talking about the activity you did based on the class system. She started off most disgruntled that her group didn’t have as much to draw with compared to the ‘richer’ groups. I can just imagine her focussing on the injustice of it!   It stimulated a long and interesting debate over dinner which we probably wouldn’t have had otherwise!  It was great to see her energised by this and she did a great job debating the pros and cons of the class system with us!

Just wanted to let you know that the lesson clearly inspired her!

Thank you!

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The Taste of Inequality