Campfires and Climbing
Junior School Trips and Excursions

By Mrs Martin (Head of Year 3)

Last week, Year 3 embarked on an extraordinary residential trip to the historic St Briavels Castle in the Wye Valley. Over three action-packed days, the girls demonstrated resilience and determination, particularly during some of the more challenging outdoor activities.

One of the highlights was gorge walking, where the girls braved the water with grit and determination. Equally exciting was the climbing activity, which saw our young adventurers scaling new heights with courage and confidence. One of the highlights was roasting s'mores at the campfire while singing campfire songs. Team games brought out their competitive spirit and teamwork skills, while fencing lessons introduced them to the art of swordplay.

The girls were also treated to fascinating lessons about the history of the castle, offering a glimpse into its Medieval past. They even experienced preparing for a bath using water from the moat, a unique and memorable activity that transported them back in time!

Another favourite event was the Tudor banquet. Dressed in period costumes, the girls learned about the roles and responsibilities at a grand feast. This hands-on experience was both educational and entertaining, providing a deeper understanding of castle life.

Throughout the trip, Year 3 displayed impressive independence and care for one another. Their ability to look after each other highlighted the strong sense of community within the group. We are very proud of their achievements and look forward to more adventures this term!

View photos from the residential here.

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Campfires and Climbing