Canoe Adventure
Junior School Trips and Excursions

By Mrs Whomsley (Head of Year 5)

On Thursday 6th June, Year 5 set out on an unforgettable one-night residential adventure, canoeing down the river to our beautiful woodland home for the night.

The excitement was evident as they navigated the canoes, arriving at the peaceful setting where tipi tents awaited them. After settling in, the evening was filled with laughter and excitement around the campfire, where the girls enjoyed dinner and breakfast the following morning. The highlight of the night was undoubtedly the s'mores and hot chocolate, providing a perfect end to a day full of new experiences. The girls camped out overnight to the sounds of nature all around them.

The following morning, the girls engaged in bushcraft activities, showcasing their resilience and willingness to take risks. They built dens and crafted woven nettle bracelets, honing new skills and fostering a deeper connection with nature. After a morning of exploration and creativity, they set off on foot back to school, enjoying a picnic lunch along the way.

The girls returned to school tired but happy, proud of their accomplishments and ready for a well-deserved rest in their own beds. This residential trip presented challenges in many ways but we are so proud of them all for taking a risk and making it such a fantastic, memorable trip.

Beatrice (5W) said: “I was a bit worried about going on the trip as I’ve never stayed away from home before for the night, but it was great fun and I loved canoeing. My parents and my teachers were really proud of me.”

Nellie (5CS) reflected: “The canoeing was so relaxing and calming, seeing the nature and wildlife made me realise that I should do more things like that. One of the things in the residential I really loved and will always remember is when the sun rose and set - it was so pretty and memorable. Also not forgetting going around the campfire toasting s’mores and a fun packed night and morning around the woods!” 

Lila (5B) added:  “I loved the trip because it was a good experience to not have Wi-Fi for 24hrs and I really enjoyed canoeing because I got to do it with my best friends and now it is a memory I will never forget!”

View photos here.  

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Canoe Adventure