Social Media Spotlight
Sixth Form

We are pleased to announce that the Sixth Form Instagram account has now been passed to another aspiring marketeer, Rhea Dayal (Lower Sixth).

To shed light on who has been behind the recent Sixth Form Instagram updates, The Edit interviewed Rhea to discuss why connecting with students through social media is crucial.

A huge thank you to Poppy Harris (Upper Sixth), who previously ran the account and showcased the student experience from the perspective of Sixth Form students. We wish her all the best in her examinations.

When did you join the BGS Community?

I joined the BGS community in Year 4.

Who asked you to be the new face behind the Sixth Form student led Instagram account?

Our Sixth Form Pastoral Officer, Mrs Lonsdale, offered me the role of becoming the new face behind the Sixth Form Instagram, and I was very grateful and excited for this new opportunity I had been given!

Do you have a team who will help promote and support the Sixth Form key messages?

Yes, I aim to work more closely with the BGS Sixth Form TikTok to create new, exciting content which will show Sixth Form life as a student here at BGS. 

How are you going to keep building the BGS Sixth Form Instagram following?

I aim to post on a regular schedule and try to broadcast as many events that occur in school as possible. I will also try to incorporate the Sixth Form TikTok content too!   

What skills are hoping to gain from running the student-led Instagram account?

I am hoping to enhance my creativity and communication skills and I would like to make more connections through this experience.                                                               

What are your career aspirations?

I would like to go to university and study Psychology and then particularly specialise in the area of clinical psychology.

How would you promote BGS to a potential Sixth Form student?                         

I would stress how the students are provided with support to help them through their A-level journey, and how we are always pushed to be Bold, Imaginative and Reflective. 

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Social Media Spotlight