On Thursday 4th July, our Lower Sixth Economists travelled to London to visit the London HQ of Bloomberg.
Elyse Vickers (Lower Sixth) reflected on the trip: “Our Bloomberg trip was wonderful, thanks to those who organised it within school and those working at Bloomberg. We had talks and Q&As with employees of the company that were incredibly insightful, sharing their interesting journeys from finishing school to their current careers and what they had to achieve to be where they are. We were also in awe of the intricacies of the architecture, one aspect being the spiral stairs, which are a centrepiece of the Bloomberg building, designed as a chimney to allow air to flow upwards. In the event of a fire, it would allow that air to be filtered upwards to minimise damage.
“The art within the building, often built into the architecture, was very intricate, including the tapestry on the first floor representing both London and New York City and bugs that represent the busy life within both. However, one of our favourite parts of the building was the free pantry where we were told ‘to go wild!’, having many free confectioneries, drinks, and snacks. Some of the sections that we visited were the costume and makeup department, the newsroom, and where everyone in the media section of the company worked, allowing us to see all their computers and the wide variety of work.
“Overall, it was an incredibly interesting trip where we were able to ask questions about developing our careers, what employers are looking for nowadays, and what working life after school looks like.”