Gold Standard in Biology
Sixth Form Science

Photo – Mitali, Hannah and Alicia.

By Mrs Pearl (Biology Teacher)

On Friday 7th February, several A Level Biology students from Lower and Upper Sixth took part in the British Biology Olympiad.

They completed two online 45-minute examination papers, testing their knowledge and skills across a range of biological topics. The competition is designed to extend students beyond their school studies and encourage them to apply problem-solving, logic and reasoning skills.

A large number of students were awarded Commended, Highly Commended, Bronze or Gold certificates. Congratulations to Lower Sixth students Moksha Sunkara and Emma Adsley, who achieved Bronze certificates.

Three Biology students were awarded Gold, a result achieved by only 5% of the 18,533 Olympiad entrants. Well done to Lower Sixth student Mitali Misra, and Upper Sixth students Hannah Chirayil and Alicia Hui. All three have been invited to take part in the next round, which forms part of the team selection process for the International Biology Olympiad.

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Gold Standard in Biology