By Miss Stuart, Modern Foreign Languages Teacher
After success at the Spanish Theatre Festival in London back in October, Grace Shapley, Sophie Allen, Elli Chappelhow and Charlie Spanoudakis have given up hours of their time after school and at weekends learning their lines and perfecting their accents, with the invaluable help of Bedford School students Frank Kupshik, Nathaniel Conte, Andrew Zhu and Jake Duxbury, for El landó de seis caballos.
Their performances were both witty and convincing and their command of the Spanish language was outstanding. They really brought the play, and all its quirks, to life. They were even able to encourage some spectators onto the stage at the end to take part in some dancing that took the Spaniards in the audience back to their childhoods.
It really was a highly entertaining watch, and we all now know that all we need in order to be happy is a sofa, a few plants in a pot and our imagination.
¡Qué más podemos pedirle al Landó de Seis Caballos! ¡Arre! ¿A dónde vamos? A LA FELICIDAD.