Bedford Girls’ School opened its doors to the public on Saturday 13th October 2018 for the Whole School Open Morning.
Prospective parents and current families visited the School to get a feel for what life is like at BGS.
With Miss MacKenzie, Headmistress, and Lauren Lewis, Head Girl, getting the morning off to a start in the Senior School Assembly Hall, girls then proceeded to do a fantastic job of giving visitors a tour of the School.
The school was full of energy and excitement with all departments demonstrating a plethora of activities including a whole range of sports to try in the gym; language games in MFL; fun science experiments in the new labs and ICreate space; and willow weaving workshop with Willowpool Designs. Meanwhile in the Sixth Form Common Room Dr Walters, Director of Sixth Form, led a presentation on life in the BGS Sixth Form.
Over in the Junior School our Years 4, 5 and 6 students were brilliant tour guides, encouraging prospective girls to try out many activities including mono-printing and various investigative experiments in the new Science lab.
Watch a video snippet of the Open Morning highlights here.
Our next Open Morning is on Wednesday 14th November 2018. Please register here.