Mentoring Programme
Sixth Form

As part of the schools vision to equip our students for the ever-changing working world; last week we launched our second year of the BGS Mentoring Programme, open to students in the Lower Sixth, which is run in conjunction with The Alumnae.

The scheme is coordinated by Kate Whitlock (Alumnae Chair), herself a professional coach, The Alumnae Office and the Careers Department. All the mentors are alumnae.

This year the scheme is running with eight pairings, representing an array of alumnae who all have successful careers in a multitude of established industries including banking & finance, education, travel and marketing.

A successful mentoring partnership benefits both the mentor and mentee in different ways. The girls involved in last year’s pilot programme were unanimous in their appreciation of receiving advice and guidance from another adult who is neither their parent nor teacher. The girls felt a sense of empowerment as they worked through achieving their own personal challenges with their Mentors.

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Mentoring Programme