Mrs Harrold (Head of Psychology)
Clinical Psychologist Dr Alex Harborne was invited into school by Upper Sixth Students, Rachael Bailey and Rachelle Jones in the week before half term to give an after-school talk. This engaging Psychology Society lecture was focused on Dr Harborne's work in the field of child and adolescent mental health.
The girls were fascinated to hear the nature and range of the work with which a clinical psychologist is involved, asking a gamut of insightful questions to help understand some of the issues facing child psychologists today.
Dr Harborne not only gave the girls an awareness of the type of work she undertakes as Lead for Psychological Therapies at Bedfordshire Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHs), but challenged them to make links between her work and their A Level studies, as well as getting them to undertake a real-life, though confidential, case study.
The girls rose admirably to the challenge - prompting Dr Harbourne to ask them to join her at CAMHs! Joking aside, it was an incredibly interesting and informative evening.