Thursday 31st January saw the whole of Lower Sixth off timetable for the afternoon to learn more about their Higher Education (HE) choices once they complete Sixth Form. This was followed in the evening with Lower Sixth parents getting together to hear more about how to support their daughter through the HE application process.
Some girls opted to learn more about taking a gap year, with a representative from volunteering charity Frontier, which has been organising and running volunteering holidays for the past 25 years.
Another option was to learn more about Oxbridge from Dr Andrew Spencer, a representative from Murray Edwards College. Mr James Seymour from the University of Buckingham ran two workshops on making the most of Lower Sixth and how to decide which course is for you.
Mrs Lowe, Head of Careers said: “The Higher Education events were hugely successful. Many parents arrived in the evening and heard speakers from the University of Birmingham, Cambridge and Oxford Brookes.”
“The event offered the girls and parents a plethora of information and the presentations have since been shared. Considering applications, possibilities and all the opportunities open to them is a great place to be in the Lower Sixth.”